here goes nothing... let the blogging begin.

ok so, we're a couple of weeks into the second year of callia frances' life and i still have to take a deep breath when thinking of all that has happened. to say her first year has been a challenge would be... um... a bit of an understatment.
for starters, our "little angel" broke her silence two months early. for those of you not counting that put us at thirty-two out of forty week birth. Now, quite a bit of weight is gained in the last weeks of the pregnancy so our bundle of joy busted out just shy of 4lbs. and that landed us in the nicu for month one. spending the first month of your first child's life in the hospital will make anyone step back and appreciate every moment. let's just say that we don't take anything for granted. the smiles, the cries, the late nights, the boom boom diapers all keep us going. it's not to say that frustration doesn't set in from time to time but i assure you it doesn't last long.
so, we're two days away from calli's first christmas and we get the green light to get the hell out of that sterile hole we affectionately call home. with calli in-tow, my wife and i stare at one another... "should i drive? How do i drive? she won't fall out, right? can we take a nurse home?" and we were off to start our new life. holy crap... what do we do now?
a couple of good months go by. we're rockin' -n- rollin'. doing the parent thing when all of sudden the cries get longer... and louder. so i listen closer... and then... closer. what???
it burns when you pee.
what the hell is bladder reflux?
there's nothing like valentines day at the childrens ward. damn it! can't we get a break.
fast forward to april 2006 and we are the happiest family on earth! "what's that? rsv season is over? woohoo! get us the hell outa this 700sqft cage.
man we went everywhere. finally we had a life again. with a baby. we're parents. this is cool.
they all say time flies when you have a child but i had no idea. you start living through their milestones and it does start to go by; too fast. she's smiling, sitting up, rolling over, crawling, pulling up, cutting teeth, cutting teeth, damn... cutting teeth, saying daddy. (well not really but i can dream right?) anyway next thing you know you're planning a first birthday. and what a party. there were babies everywhere. cake flying, toys taking over, and enough flash photography to blind you for a decade. i hope i recorded enough. shit, these videos will be the barometer for what kind of dad i am. shit, what's enough.
then the 2nd's start. "awwwwe, it's her 2nd thanksgiving. oh, remember your birthday last year in the hospital. i can't wait for christmas ."

who would believe our daughter who can't stop smiling. who can't stop talking. who can't stop growing. was ever premature. we are so lucky to have calli in our lives and we will never take a moment of her life for granted.