my two favorite times of the year are summer to fall and winter to spring. here in texas, those are the only chances we get to take part in actual seasonal change. the change may be minimal as compared to other parts of the country but we'll take what we can get. it happens to be that time of year right now , and i plan on taking full advantage of it. last year we were just moving in and didn't have much time to notice the change and how great it can be in our own backyard. i have quickly found out exactly how much i love our backyard. it's huge, the grass is thick & soft and our house provides awesome shade in the afternoon.
the other day we were in the backyard playing and calli took a moment to lay with me (we all know how few and far between these moments are with a toddler) and look for planes. it felt so good. we even got to see one fly by. it made her so excited i though she was going to pee.
she pointed up-- "airpane, airpane, airpane"
fall afternoons in the backyard rock.