
ummm... let's see... what have i've been up to? (this one's for pg)

it's been a bit frustrating lately. i've been putting in quite a few hours and with the lack of results it has yielded, i kind of feel like this is all i've been doing...

yeah well...

thanks be to pg for the swift kick in the ass he sent my way letting me know, that i do still have a blog. albeit a very sad and dust laden blog, i do in fact have one.

so i leave you with yet another empty promise of more posts filled with incredible insights that will change life as you know it. i'm sure many of you will be holding your breath-on the edge of your seat-while wiping the beads of sweat from your brow as you wait for my next words of wisdom.

until then...


Martin said...


Jason Roth said...

Welcome back....I hope you stay a while this time.

PG said...

i'm honored. hang in there man. good things are bound to come your way if you are working hard.

piper said...

If you're not careful you're gonna get yourself tagged for another meme.

Better keep posting Strugla. Make it happen, for the sake of staving off meme tags if nothing else.

Anonymous said...

That picture makes me hungry.

Take your time. We'll be ready when you are.

Whiney Momma said...

Cute pic...

Yes, you need to come back now that I just passed on a cute award to you. Your past efforts warrant a mighty good comeback! Do it.